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Error: Unsupported Server Component type: undefined

Red-legged Kittiwake's avatar
Red-legged Kittiwake asked on · 5 Messages

loading.tsx with revalidatePath

Houss's avatar
Houss asked on · 1 Message

Nextjs video help

In&Out's avatar
In&Out asked on · 15 Messages · Answered

Questions about error handling in Nextjs

Sun bear's avatar
Sun bear asked on · 5 Messages · Answered

Data Map not rendering on page

Horned oak gall's avatar
Horned oak gall asked on · 13 Messages

Retrieving parent slug inside dynamic route

Eastern yellowjacket's avatar
Eastern yellowjacket asked on · 9 Messages · Answered

connection closed

Hackberry nipple gall parasitoid's avatar
Hackberry nipple gall parasitoid asked on · 13 Messages

Use only client component in a Dashboard or Task Manager

Salman's avatar
Salman asked on · 9 Messages

nextauth-callback-url in production mark localhost:3000

Netherland Dwarf's avatar
Netherland Dwarf asked on · 0 Messages

Rate Limit Error!

Yellow Crazy Ant's avatar
Yellow Crazy Ant asked on · 12 Messages · Answered

Unable to deploy my client's project

Dwarf Crocodile's avatar
Dwarf Crocodile asked on · 1 Message

Question: Issue with Domain Setup - Non-www URL Not Working

SILVERFANGS asked on · 39 Messages

host file on windows do not work with nextjs

Ejayz || PiggyDev's avatar
Ejayz || PiggyDev asked on · 8 Messages · Answered

fetch from server or client Component

Asian black bear's avatar
Asian black bear asked on · 15 Messages

Help with vercel

Erythrina gall wasp's avatar
Erythrina gall wasp asked on · 250 Messages · Answered

Authentication with JWT + graphql mutation

Highlander's avatar
Highlander asked on · 20 Messages

Issue with Cookies Not Being Sent in React-NestJS Application

i_mkait's avatar
i_mkait asked on · 7 Messages

Ui with 3d elements

Schneider’s Smooth-fronted Caiman's avatar
Schneider’s Smooth-fronted Caiman asked on · 8 Messages

Next.js local font

Almond stone wasp's avatar
Almond stone wasp asked on · 2 Messages

Is there a way to optimize Next.js for 3G connections?

Eastern yellowjacket's avatar
Eastern yellowjacket asked on · 12 Messages