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How to opt out of caching an API in trpc NEXT/SSR?

Polar bear's avatar
Polar bear asked on · 0 Messages

cors issue with next js & fumadocs (CORS Allow Origin Not Matching Origin)

Cuban Crocodile's avatar
Cuban Crocodile asked on · 8 Messages

A question about efficently using user id/information in server side functions

Broad-billed Hummingbird's avatar
Broad-billed Hummingbird asked on · 0 Messages

Page broken after reload

Pacific sand lance's avatar
Pacific sand lance asked on · 7 Messages

app router vs pages router?

Havana's avatar
Havana asked on · 9 Messages · Answered

generateMetadata API invocation duplication

Baldfaced hornet's avatar
Baldfaced hornet asked on · 10 Messages · Answered

better option for Authorization than middleware

Shashank's avatar
Shashank asked on · 1 Message

Remirror not working in App router

Asian black bear's avatar
Asian black bear asked on · 0 Messages

Does server actions work when used in onClick (as in React's documentation)?

Standard Schnauzer's avatar
Standard Schnauzer asked on · 16 Messages · Answered

Don't understand why it's not easier to refresh server data.

Tomistoma's avatar
Tomistoma asked on · 0 Messages

Next is not refreshing the components with old cached-data after call revalidateTag from actions

Scottish Fold's avatar
Scottish Fold asked on · 0 Messages

ENV variable isn't accessible in production

Cape lion's avatar
Cape lion asked on · 0 Messages

Help with creating a blog using Fumadocs

Baird's Sparrow's avatar
Baird's Sparrow asked on · 22 Messages

serverExternalPackages not recognized in next.config.mjs (Next 14)

Yucatan Vireo's avatar
Yucatan Vireo asked on · 0 Messages

'getSession()' confusion: I want to use ISR (next : { revalidate: 10 } ).

Swyftey's avatar
Swyftey asked on · 12 Messages · Answered

getServerSession() not returning session NextAuth

Horned oak gall's avatar
Horned oak gall asked on · 3 Messages

Parent layout.tsx get data from child dynamic route

Spot-breasted Oriole's avatar
Spot-breasted Oriole asked on · 8 Messages · Answered

How to get the public dir?

Clumber Spaniel's avatar
Clumber Spaniel asked on · 7 Messages · Answered

Error: Unsupported Server Component type: undefined

Red-legged Kittiwake's avatar
Red-legged Kittiwake asked on · 5 Messages

loading.tsx with revalidatePath

Houss's avatar
Houss asked on · 1 Message