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three fiber question, anyone good in math know how to position the donuts on each side of the cube?

futuredevengineer posted this in #help-forum
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cube position = 6,8,-2

size = 6,6,6
what each donut positon should be?

24 Replies

@futuredevengineer cube position = 6,8,-2 size = 6,6,6 what each donut positon should be?
what each donut positon should be?
where do you want to place them?
each donut on a side
@futuredevengineer 4 sides of the cube
whats the size of each donut?
@B33fb0n3 whats the size of each donut?
    <torusGeometry args={[1, 0.4, 16, 100]} />
radius,tube, radius segment, tublar segment
@futuredevengineer <torusGeometry args={[1, 0.4, 16, 100]} />
then it should be like:
1: x,7,z
2: x,9,z
3: 5,y,z
4: 7,y,z
When there is a letter like "y" it's the same like the cube position.
So "7,y,z" will be "7,8,-2"
you might want to draw your little own coordinate system 🙂
move your cam a bit back and see if you can find them (or make the camer movable). They are maybe inside the cube as well. Check both options
is it can move by dragging mouse
i mean draggable within the camera
the camera just shows stuff. The camera can't move the cube. But the camera can move inside your scene
@B33fb0n3 the camera just shows stuff. The camera can't move the cube. But the camera can move inside your scene
that what i meant, when you drag the cube to direction, the camera rotate to that direction.
@futuredevengineer anyway, what parameter i should change?
where are your donuts rn?
idk, i changed the camera postion and fov
donuts still gone