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NextJS 13 application url is not working after Deployed in Vercel

Santhosh Prabhakaran posted this in #help-forum
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Santhosh PrabhakaranOP
I have deployed my NextJS 13 application in Vercel. The deployment finished successfully. WHen I open the url, It's showing me like below image. I have no idea in it. The other links below the url like "Branch link" and "Deployment link" are working. BUt the NextAuth is not working. Any help on this would be appreciated.
Answered by Alfonsus Ardani
perhaps you have a common brand name in your URL. the name airbnb might confuse the browser thinking that user is trying to access a phishing site that is made similar to airbnb
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2 Replies

Alfonsus Ardani
perhaps you have a common brand name in your URL. the name airbnb might confuse the browser thinking that user is trying to access a phishing site that is made similar to airbnb
Santhosh PrabhakaranOP
Yes it is. I've changed the domain name and it works now. Thnaks a lot