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Route Handler Wrapper

Crazy ant posted this in #help-forum
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Crazy antOP
Is it possible to create wrapper for Next JS 15 Route Handler ? I want to create wrapper for catching global errors, logging, and authentication middleware

11 Replies

Spectacled bear
I think you can create 500.tsx or error.tsx file to do the same.
Crazy antOP
i need it for the server api part (route.ts) not the client part
Spectacled bear
Generally, you wrap the api end points with try catch block to take care.
Crazy antOP
Yeah, but i should wrap every api with same code. It can be quite cumbersome and messy. I'm looking for cleaner way like middleware in express
Yes, I believe you should be able to make wrappers, as long as you’re returning the correct function signature (expected by Next.js in order to make routes out of them)

Remember, the names they end up having need to be one of the valid: GET, POST, PUT, etc.
And only these allowed functions are allowed to be exported from route.ts files
Something like this is what next-auth does.
@LuisLl Something like this is what `next-auth` does.
Middleware in Next.js isn’t like the middlewares in Express tho. I think he wants a way to centralize the repeating logic instead of writing the boilerplate in every route, and maybe multiple times per route.ts file.

Idk if a wrapper like this will solve that issue, but you can try
just /api/[[...path]]/route.ts one single route handler for all your routes