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Where is the tailwind config in Next.js 15 dir?

Whiteleg shrimp posted this in #help-forum
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Whiteleg shrimpOP
I need to add custom responsive breakpoints and just realized i don't have tailwind config. I did created one manually, did the whole include thing, but it still wont pick up the custom settings. If tailwind config isn't required, where can i add my custom stuff?

12 Replies

@Anay-208 | Ping in replies if you're on latest tailwind server, it should be `globals.css`
Whiteleg shrimpOP
yes i do have globals.css but thats css definitions, and i need to create custom tailwind breakpoints which is usually done in tailwind config file which is not present in current next.js dir
Whiteleg shrimpOP
its version 4
you've to create in globals.css only
Tailwind v4 completely ditched the json config file
Whiteleg shrimpOP
ah i was checking v3 docs all this time, forgot they have breaking changes
thanks ❤️
Whiteleg shrimpOP