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Failing to deploy

i_lost_to_loba_kreygasm posted this in #help-forum
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Please see the image
Answered by i_lost_to_loba_kreygasm
function EmotePicker(){

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12 Replies

@i_lost_to_loba_kreygasm Please see the image
need more info
expand the lines
@gin need more info
Hi , apparently I have this error
Error: Component definition is missing display name  react/display-name
Looks like Eslint is the problem, did you update Next.js to the latest version? It came configured with different linter rules I had some issues too.
Seems like you are declaring your component with the arrow function syntax or assigning an anonymous function to a variable and the Display Name can’t be inferred.
@i_lost_to_loba_kreygasm solved?
yeah πŸ™‚ , thanks for getting back
@i_lost_to_loba_kreygasm yeah πŸ™‚ , thanks for getting back
Oh nice! If the solution was in the chat please mark it to others to find it!
I had
function EmotePicker(){
