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Nextjs Build in TypeScript Monorepo; Types not inferred correctly

Pteromalid wasp posted this in #help-forum
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Pteromalid waspOP
I have a TS Monorepo using Yarn workspaces. I have a shared db package which which also exports shared types for the database entities.
The types from @shared/types do not get inferred correctly in the web app. The db package uses drizzle and drizzle utility type helpers to create type.

For example: If I have a users table and I want to infer the user entity, I am using this:

export type User = typeof users.$inferInsert;

In the db package itself, it works fine but in the web package, User gets inferred as any
but if I am manually creating a type, it gets inferred correctly. The following gets correct inference:

type User = { id: string, name: string, email: string, createdAt: Date }
// OR
type Position = { x: number, y: number }

During development, if I use TS References, it correctly infers the types but it is not supported by Next and so it fails on build.

Here' the folder structure

   web (nextjs app)
           dependencies: '@my-app/db'
          index.d.ts (exports every d.ts files)
          package.json (name: '@my-app/db')

package.json (root level package json)
    packageManager: "yarn@4.5.3"
    "workspaces": [

Also, I've also already tried transpiling teh shared packages usign traspilePackages in Next Config. It does not work.

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