Ecommerce with NextJS
Kurilian Bobtail posted this in #help-forum
Kurilian BobtailOP
Let me get straight into it.
Since I have started web development I got dragged into the the 'creative web developer' stuff. I got really good doing it. Right now I can use vanillaJS dom manipulation, framer-motion, gsap, css, tailwind, threejs, and glsl.
I now what to combine my frontend skills to create a fully functional ecommerce website, and nextjs is my framework of choice, but I cannot figure out how anything works, I've been reading the documentation, but I don't know where should I start from.
CMS integration? dbs? authentication? I tried integrating with shopify it's just that I am missing the fundamentals. Where should I start from?
Since I have started web development I got dragged into the the 'creative web developer' stuff. I got really good doing it. Right now I can use vanillaJS dom manipulation, framer-motion, gsap, css, tailwind, threejs, and glsl.
I now what to combine my frontend skills to create a fully functional ecommerce website, and nextjs is my framework of choice, but I cannot figure out how anything works, I've been reading the documentation, but I don't know where should I start from.
CMS integration? dbs? authentication? I tried integrating with shopify it's just that I am missing the fundamentals. Where should I start from?
Answered by New Guinea Freshwater Crocodile
Hard to say what you might missing here, but from my experience in e-commerce. Business domain knowledge very important to get started, I would say even more important then technical part.
9 Replies
@Kurilian Bobtail Let me get straight into it.
Since I have started web development I got dragged into the the 'creative web developer' stuff. I got really good doing it. Right now I can use vanillaJS dom manipulation, framer-motion, gsap, css, tailwind, threejs, and glsl.
I now what to combine my frontend skills to create a fully functional ecommerce website, and nextjs is my framework of choice, but I cannot figure out how anything works, I've been reading the documentation, but I don't know where should I start from.
CMS integration? dbs? authentication? I tried integrating with shopify it's just that I am missing the fundamentals. Where should I start from?
the best place to start is here:
After that I recommend you channels like: Codeevolution.
After that I recommend you channels like: Codeevolution.
You mention you know Vanilla JS dom manipulation, TailwindCSS, Framer Motion, GSAP, etc.. do you know React?
To learn Next.js you need to be at least decently good at React. Even the Next.js tutorial suggest you to start with learning React before you start the tutorial.
To learn Next.js you need to be at least decently good at React. Even the Next.js tutorial suggest you to start with learning React before you start the tutorial.
American black bear
I've used medusajs in the past and it's awesome if you are looking for CMS
New Guinea Freshwater Crocodile
Hard to say what you might missing here, but from my experience in e-commerce. Business domain knowledge very important to get started, I would say even more important then technical part.
New Guinea Freshwater Crocodile
I would recommend you to use shopify a bit just to understand how it works, and then to jump to implement.
Kurilian BobtailOP
I think I am not good with dealing with apis in general since most of my skills are used to make static websites
But yeah thank you so much guys for the help :)!