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Secure api

Arboreal ant posted this in #help-forum
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Arboreal antOP
So im trying to make a dashboard for my hosting company where when a user registers they can create a pterodactyl server with a set amount of allocated resources but the thing im having trouble with is how can i securely make the account on the pterodactyl panel aswell as in the db i have on the dashboard

24 Replies

Arboreal antOP
i might be crazly overthinking this 🙏
Use this @Arboreal ant
You can use a post request to create a new user
Arboreal antOP
yeah ik how to like send the api request but how do i secure the data being sent though it
Why do you need to secure it.. it's server to server communication
Arboreal antOP
yh like the email and password being sent to the pterodactyl api
Arboreal antOP
Pterodactyl will hash it on it's own
Arboreal antOP
Yea lol
If it was client to server, you would need to encrypt it or smthn
But this is purely on the server
Mark an answer if it helped @Arboreal ant
Original message was deleted
Would be better if you would mark something related to the answer xD
Since it's to help any other person that may have a similar issue
@Arboreal ant
Arboreal antOP