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Multiple Re-renders

Donald Louch posted this in #help-forum
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Hey I'm not sure if this is the right server to post on! But I'm currently using NextJS 15, Supabase, Mantine, Hugeicons, and other packages to run my website!

I keeping have re render issues on a couple of pages and I can't figure out why? It renders once all good; then goes in a rendering loop.

Here's my code (the next few messages)!
Answered by Donald Louch
So the issue did seem like it was from a few incorrect calls within the CreateNewInvoice component 🤦🏻‍♂️ primarily calling an initial value with null instead of an empty string/"" and just some improper required fields not being called properly!
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6 Replies

// page.tsx

import { isUserSignedIn, userList, userRole, userData } from "@/app/actions/clerk"
import Invoices from "./Invoices"
import supabase from "@/lib/supabase"

export default async function InvoicesPage() {
    const isUser = await isUserSignedIn()
    const role = await userRole()
    const isAdmin = isUser && role === "admin" ? true : false
    const isMod = isUser && role === "moderator" ? true : false
    const isStaff = isAdmin || isMod

    const { userId } = await userData()

    const { data: invoicesData } = isAdmin 
        ? await supabase.from('Invoices').select().order('createdOn', { ascending: false }) as any 
        : await supabase.from('Invoices').select().match({ client: userId }).order('createdOn', { ascending: false }) as any

    const invoicesArray = new Map()
    invoicesData.forEach((invoice: any) => {
        const invoiceID ="_")[2]

        const count = invoicesData.filter((inv: any) => - 1

        if (!invoicesArray.has(invoiceID) || new Date(invoice.createdOn) > new Date(invoicesArray.get(invoiceID).createdOn)) {
            invoicesArray.set(invoiceID, { ...invoice, multiple: count, invoiceID })

    const invoices = Array.from(invoicesArray.values())

    const usersList = await userList().then((res) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(res)))

    return <Invoices isStaff={isStaff} invoices={invoices} usersList={} />
// ./Invoices

'use client'

import { BreadCrumb } from "@/app/(Components)/BreadCrumbsComponentPortal";
import CreateNewInvoice from "./CreateNewInvoice";
import InvoiceRow from "./InvoiceRow";
import { Alert, Table, Tabs, Title, Text } from "@mantine/core";
import HugeIcon from "@/app/(Components)/HugeIcon";

export default function Invoices({invoices, usersList, isStaff} : {invoices: any, usersList?: any, isStaff: boolean}){
  const breadCrumbs = [
    {"pageLink": null, "pageName": "Invoices"},

  return <>
    <BreadCrumb breads={breadCrumbs} />
    {isStaff && <CreateNewInvoice isStaff={isStaff} invoices={invoices} usersList={usersList} />}

    <Title mt="1.5rem" ta="center">Invoices</Title>
    {invoices.length === 0 ? <Alert variant="light" color="green" icon={<HugeIcon name="information-circle" variant="twotone"/>} mt="3rem"><Text my="0.5rem" c="white">There currently is no invoices that have been requested!</Text></Alert> : <Table stickyHeader stickyHeaderOffset={60} highlightOnHover borderColor="var(--darkPurple)" highlightOnHoverColor="var(--darkPurpleRGBA)" striped="even" stripedColor="var(--blackRGBA)" p="1rem" style={{boxShadow: "var(--mantine-shadow-bsSMSecondary)", borderRadius: "var(--mantine-radius-md)", overflow: "hidden"}} my="2rem">
        { any) => (
          <InvoiceRow key={} invoice={invoice} isStaff={isStaff} />
Part 1
// ./InvoiceRow

'use client'


export default function InvoiceRow({ invoice, isStaff }: { invoice: any, isStaff: boolean }) {   
const invoiceID = invoice.invoiceID;

const router = useRouter()

function openProject() {

const currentTime = new Date()
return <>
  <Table.Tr key={}>
    <Table.Td w="40%">
      <Stack gap="1rem" m='1rem'>
          <Badge color="primary" leftSection={<HugeIcon name="grid" variant="twotone" />}>
          {isStaff && <Badge color="secondary" leftSection={<HugeIcon name="id" />}>

            <InvoiceTypeBadge type={invoice.invoiceType} />
            {invoice.versionNumber && 
              <Badge color="gray">
                Version {invoice.versionNumber}
          {invoice.multiple > 0 &&
            <Badge color="blue">
              {invoice.multiple} Other versions available

    <Table.Td w="10%" ta="center">
      <Stack gap="0">
        <Tooltip label={invoice.createdOn ? moment(invoice.createdOn!).format("MMMM Do, YYYY [at] h:mma") : "Not Listed"}>
          <Text fz="sm" fw="600">{invoice.createdOn ? moment(invoice.createdOn!).format("MM-DD-YYYY") : "Not Listed"}</Text>
        <Text fz="xs" c="dimmed" mt="-1rem">
          Created On
Part 2
// ./InvoiceRow

  <Table.Td w="10%" ta="center">
      <Stack gap="0">
        <Tooltip label={invoice.paidOn ? <DisplayDate source={invoice.paidOn} /> : invoice.dueOn ?  <DisplayDate source={invoice.dueOn} /> : "Not Listed"}>
          <Text fz="sm" fw="600" c={ !invoice.dueOn ? "white" : currentTime < new Date(invoice.dueOn) ? "green" : invoice.paidOn && new Date(invoice.paidOn) < new Date(invoice.dueOn) ? "green" :  "red" }>{invoice.paidOn ? <DisplayDate source={invoice.paidOn} format="MM-DD-YYYY" />  : invoice.dueOn ? <DisplayDate source={invoice.dueOn} format="MM-DD-YYYY" /> : "Not Listed"}</Text>
        <Text fz="xs" c="dimmed" mt="-1rem">
          {invoice.paidOn ? "Paid On" : "Due On"}

    <Table.Td w="10%" ta="center">
      <Stack gap="0">
        <Text fz="sm" fw="600" c={invoice.owing > 0 ? "red" : "green"}>
          <CurrencyFormat amount={invoice.owing} />
        <Text fz="xs" c="dimmed" mt="-1rem">
          Left Owing

    <Table.Td w="15%" ta="right">
      <Tooltip label={`This invoice is primarily related to a ${invoice.relatedItem?.type.toLowerCase()}`}>
        <Badge color="gray" leftSection={invoice.relatedItem?.type === "Project" ? <HugeIcon name="files-01" /> : invoice.relatedItem?.type === "Task" ? <HugeIcon name="task-01" /> : <HugeIcon name="grid" />}>

    <Table.Td w="12.5%" ta="left">
      <InvoiceStatusBadge status={invoice.status} />

    <Table.Td w="2.5%" ta="center">
      <Tooltip label="View Invoice">
        <Box><HugeIcon name="view" variant="duotone" clickOption={openProject} /></Box>
@Donald Louch ts // ./Invoices 'use client' import { BreadCrumb } from "@/app/(Components)/BreadCrumbsComponentPortal"; import CreateNewInvoice from "./CreateNewInvoice"; import InvoiceRow from "./InvoiceRow"; import { Alert, Table, Tabs, Title, Text } from "@mantine/core"; import HugeIcon from "@/app/(Components)/HugeIcon"; export default function Invoices({invoices, usersList, isStaff} : {invoices: any, usersList?: any, isStaff: boolean}){ const breadCrumbs = [ {"pageLink": null, "pageName": "Invoices"}, ] return <> <BreadCrumb breads={breadCrumbs} /> {isStaff && <CreateNewInvoice isStaff={isStaff} invoices={invoices} usersList={usersList} />} <Title mt="1.5rem" ta="center">Invoices</Title> {invoices.length === 0 ? <Alert variant="light" color="green" icon={<HugeIcon name="information-circle" variant="twotone"/>} mt="3rem"><Text my="0.5rem" c="white">There currently is no invoices that have been requested!</Text></Alert> : <Table stickyHeader stickyHeaderOffset={60} highlightOnHover borderColor="var(--darkPurple)" highlightOnHoverColor="var(--darkPurpleRGBA)" striped="even" stripedColor="var(--blackRGBA)" p="1rem" style={{boxShadow: "var(--mantine-shadow-bsSMSecondary)", borderRadius: "var(--mantine-radius-md)", overflow: "hidden"}} my="2rem"> <Table.Tbody> { any) => ( <InvoiceRow key={} invoice={invoice} isStaff={isStaff} /> ))} </Table.Tbody> </Table> } </> }
I have narrowed the issue down (I think)?! I do believe it's my {isStaff && <CreateNewInvoice isStaff={isStaff} invoices={invoices} usersList={usersList} />} component?!
So the issue did seem like it was from a few incorrect calls within the CreateNewInvoice component 🤦🏻‍♂️ primarily calling an initial value with null instead of an empty string/"" and just some improper required fields not being called properly!