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Dynamically Fetch Products Based on Screen Size

Giant Angora posted this in #help-forum
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Giant AngoraOP
# πŸ›’ How to Dynamically Fetch Products Based on Screen Size Without Affecting UI in Next.js?

## ❓ Question
I'm building an eCommerce site using Next.js (App Router) with Drizzle + PostgreSQL. In the "Featured Products" section, I want to fetch different numbers of products based on the user's screen size to optimize performance.

For example:
- Mobile (<425px): Fetch 16 products
- Tablet (425px–619px): Fetch 18 products
- Desktop (1020px+): Fetch 30 products

## ⚠️ The Problem
I currently fetch 24 products by default and hide extras using display: none. While this works, it wastes database queries and bandwidth.

However, the issue isn’t just about fetching 30 productsβ€”I need to show placeholders for 30 items even if the user initially requested from a mobile device (which only fetches 16). This means:
1. UI should always display placeholders for 30 products, regardless of screen size.
2. API should fetch only the necessary number of products to avoid over-fetching.
3. When data loads, placeholders should be replaced with the fetched products without breaking the layout.

## ❓ Questions
1. How can I efficiently handle this dynamic fetching while maintaining a consistent UI?
2. Should I fetch the minimum (16 products) first, then lazy-load more as needed?
3. Is there a better way to manage placeholders when the fetched product count differs from the total placeholders?

Would love insights from anyone who has tackled a similar issue in Next.js (App Router)! πŸš€

11 Replies

there is no way to know the device's width on the server
you can however do some shenanigans using css and server components
like make 3 server components which fetch and render diff no of items
using css
render them
this will just hide the components
the data fetching will still take place
Giant AngoraOP
hi @Yi Lon Ma thx for quick reply, i used same css for skeleton too, no need to create 3 server components.

  .responsive-products {
    & > article {
      @apply hidden;

    @media screen AND (max-width: 424px) {
      & > article:nth-child(-n + 8) {
        @apply block;

    @media screen AND (min-width: 425px) AND (max-width: 619px) {
      & > article:nth-child(-n + 16) {
        @apply block;

    @media screen AND (min-width: 620px) AND (max-width: 819px) {
      & > article:nth-child(-n + 18) {
        @apply block;

    @media screen AND (min-width: 820px) AND (max-width: 1019px) {
      & > article:nth-child(-n + 20) {
        @apply block;

    @media screen AND (min-width: 1020px) AND (max-width: 1279px) {
      & > article:nth-child(-n + 25) {
        @apply block;

    @media screen AND (min-width: 1280px) {
      & > article:nth-child(-n + 30) {
        @apply block;
I had smth else in my mind
but that I recalled that setting display hidden hides the element but its still rendered