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Client-side (SPA) routing when moving from SSR

Blanc de Hotot posted this in #help-forum
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Blanc de HototOP

I've found need to move into SPA only and remove all SSR features.

Noticed that the nextjs v14 router next/router, e.g. router.pathname differs from window.location.pathname on runtime.
I got at hands a project that was badly architected. One of the issue's being on routing.

As I'm deprecating SSR, I'd like to know what'd be the best practice on handling client-side only routing.

Some of the use-cases to consider:
- HTTP Server response is /index.html only, e.g. no static file for each page or route
- On any route /, /app/foobar/something I want the entry point to resolve it, e.g. as what next/router seem to do
- On refresh of any pathname, e.g. /app/foobar/one it should resolve it

This should give you a basic idea of the process I'd liek to achieve, so I need to understand what are the best practices when dealing with nextjs v14 routing for client-side only. Specially when deprecating the SSR.

Thank you!

1 Reply

import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";

use this for navigation on client side