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next 15 pages router

Siricid woodwasp posted this in #help-forum
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Siricid woodwaspOP
I am on latest next 14 with pages router

If i am using pages router, should i upgrade to next 15?
what would be the benefits of upgrading?

8 Replies

there will be no benefit in moving to v15 with pages router except maybe some security fixes
pages router isn't getting any updates as its stable
it just get bug fixes and security updates
Siricid woodwaspOP
what alarms me is:
- no upgrade to 15 guide
- the codemod to. upgrade to 15 is the canary one
even if there is not benfit, should i upgrade, or will v14 kept up to date?
the codemod is for app router to move to new async APIs
you should move to v15
Siricid woodwaspOP