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How to npm run start with SPECIFIC PORT? (for each docker service)

Little Shearwater posted this in #help-forum
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Little ShearwaterOP
I guess I gotta create the entire forum just for a single question since I cannot chat on #discussions :shrug:

23 Replies

Little ShearwaterOP
Next run -p ____ would cause MODULE NOT FOUND issue, I am not sure why
Usually that's dependencies issue but I cannot confirm it.
Though my docker image already installs all required dependacies.

IF any of you cannot resolve this issue, you can just answer my original question (or give any workaround)
@joulev you can do it with the `PORT` environment variable PORT=4000 npm start
Little ShearwaterOP
Depending on the enviroment (windows and linux)

1. PORT not found on window terminal
2. The command executed but it seems that NextJS ignored the port (and went with default 3000) on Ubuntu terminal
i don't know about windows, but linux should be fine. your docker image should be a linux distro
@joulev really? cuz i used it just now and it works just fine
Dutch Smoushond
yeah this works for me too, (i'm on linux tho)
you can also define the port in the package.json with the --port flag
Little ShearwaterOP
Interesting, I added some enviroment variables in enviroment in a docker compose file which resolves the issue (since it handles multiple containers and it allow me to define an unique port for each one)
@Dutch Smoushond you can also define the port in the package.json with the `--port` flag
Little ShearwaterOP
This wouldn't work if I wanted to have more than one docker container running (they cannot share same port)
@joulev really? cuz i used it just now and it works just fine
Little ShearwaterOP
Could it have been another package manager (pnpm)?
Oh and if I were to run a command inside docker container, it would cause /app/PORT=4000 NOT FOUND (which doesn't make sense)
I wonder if there are other solutions than my current solution?
maybe better?
It looks like this is the best solution I got right now that supports multiple-containers.
@Little Shearwater Could it have been another package manager (pnpm)?
No. Using --port or the PORT env var both work to configure the port that the nextjs server listens on. If it doesn’t work for you, it’s because your docker configuration is buggy.
Trigg Hound
if I remember correctly, I don't think you can't inject environment variables in windows using the PORT=<number> pnpm start syntax unless you are using the cross-env package, but I could be wrong.
Yeah on windows env vars work differently
can't you just change the bind port on docker?