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woke up to font errors in nextjs

West African Lion posted this in #help-forum
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West African LionOP
How can i fixe this error, caused by nextjs internals

9 Replies

@West African Lion How can i fixe this error, caused by nextjs internals
Do the following steps and take a look after each step, if it's work. If not, go to the next step:
1. Delete your .next folder
2. Delete your node_modules folder and reinstall
3. Remove the turbopack/turbo flag
@B33fb0n3 Do the following steps and take a look after each step, if it's work. If not, go to the next step: 1. Delete your .next folder 2. Delete your node_modules folder and reinstall 3. Remove the turbopack/turbo flag
West African LionOP
did all three still got this :
Error while requesting resource
There was an issue establishing a connection while requesting
starting to think it's my network
it is my network it has been doing weirdly lately
hmm, I guess I am unable to help you with this issue
West African LionOP
ing 3/3...
[Error [AbortError]: The user aborted a request.] {
  type: 'aborted',
  constructor: [Function: AbortError]
 ⨯ Failed to download `Inter` from Google Fonts. Using fallback font instead.

Failed to fetch `Inter` from Google Fonts.}
still failed even after changing network, thanks for you help
West African LionOP
i also used ping on my system that domain seems to no longer work