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Image with src "X" has either width or height modified, but not the other.

Australian Freshwater Crocodile posted this in #help-forum
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Australian Freshwater CrocodileOP
What does this error mean? I couldn't figure it out

11 Replies

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Australian Freshwater CrocodileOP
                  className="w-5 pb-6 mt-3"
Like for this code
Australian Freshwater CrocodileOP
I tried removing that className and still not working
warn-once.ts:6 Image with src "http://localhost:3000/Shape-o-top.svg" has either width or height modified, but not the other. If you use CSS to change the size of your image, also include the styles 'width: "auto"' or 'height: "auto"' to maintain the aspect ratio.
Arboreal ant
if you set the with and height i dont think you need it in the classname too
BUt its not solving the problem
Arboreal ant
try just use
className="w-5 pb-6 mt-3"
@Arboreal ant <Image src="/Shape-o-top.svg" alt="Divider" className="w-5 pb-6 mt-3" />
Australian Freshwater CrocodileOP
Not allowed
width and height are required