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Slow and halting build on vercel

Pacific thread herring posted this in #help-forum
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Pacific thread herringOP
Building on my pc takes about 20 seconds. At. vercel, the project usually takes about 2 minutes.

After adding
npm warn deprecated puppeteer@21.11.0: < 22.8.2 is no longer supported (I added pupeteer-pdf), the builds halts and stays there and runs for about 10-15 minutes..

Why would this happend but not locally? Slowly moving away from vercel as we have too many issues with it..
Any ideas and help is greatly apperciated.

2 Replies

American black bear
Build can sometimes halt if you get a prompt by the cli for example (y/n) which you cannot interact with like when running it locally on your computer
This might not be the issue but I have encountered something similar before, maybe helps you to fix it