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Firebase first or develop app first?

Red carpenter ant posted this in #help-forum
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Red carpenter antOP

For a next.js project we decided upon using firebase for backend and hosting services but I’m unsure on whether I should:

1. Setup firebase first and then integrate each page with firebase as the app development progresses or,

2. Finish the app and then integrate firebase.

Which one is more efficient and ‘better’ way to progress?

1 Reply

Roseate Spoonbill
I don't thing there is a "better" option, just one that suits you the best.

My personal opinion is integrate as early as you can, as during integration, you may need to make some changes in the app (add unforeseen error views for lack of access, handle connection issues etc.). While you can do all this after the app is ready, I prefer to resolve those things as the app grows to avoid late discoveries around the complexity of the integration.