nextjs seo
Siamese Crocodile posted this in #help-forum
Siamese CrocodileOP
it says host required
Answered by Arinji
Means you tell Google to prioritise your link being indexed on google
146 Replies
Siamese CrocodileOP
Ok so
For host do @
Siamese CrocodileOP
thats all i need for search console?
Good, now start indexing your link
Send ss of your page, I don't remember what the search bar was called lol
Search console page
Siamese CrocodileOP
wat does indexing link mean
Means you tell Google to prioritise your link being indexed on google
Siamese CrocodileOP
how do i do that?
Instead of Google finding it in the wild
See the search bar on the top?
Siamese CrocodileOP
Siamese CrocodileOP
should i
Ok uh quick side quest
Siamese CrocodileOP
doing rn
Go there, enter the link of your website
Send me the link you got back
It's public info, dw about me getting some private info or smthn
Siamese CrocodileOP
thats not bad
Show seo
Performance dosent matter
Accessibility, work on those on the side
Helps to make sure you handle those
Siamese CrocodileOP
seo is at 91
It shld be 100
Show me the issues
Siamese CrocodileOP
alr lemme reanalyze
ah i know
im using placeholder images right now
i can just fix those
Fix them
Siamese CrocodileOP
It takes Google hours.. even days to reindex pages
Make sure your all ready to go before indexing
Siamese CrocodileOP
for some reason the desktop analyzation times out i think
Where do you have this hosted on?
Siamese CrocodileOP
It can't be that slow to load that pagespeedev times out...
Send link here real quick
Google hates slow loading pages
Yea..this is insanely slow
See how the first 3 boxes are empty
That shldnt be the case
Desktop isn't even loading lmao
Ok it finally did
61 is ouch
Fix it later
Got it? @Siamese Crocodile
Siamese CrocodileOP
yea it does take some time to load
its cus of the globe
and devices without hardware acceleration will make it lag because theres a fade effect on lade as well
Siamese CrocodileOP
ya i did im prettysure
ye i did
its in my console
Siamese CrocodileOP
do i index now
Siamese CrocodileOP
wait wat the diff between
and https
Siamese CrocodileOP
i think so
Siamese CrocodileOP
i think i did
at least this is popping up now
Damn that was fast
Siamese CrocodileOP
like this right
Yea, send the link real quick
Siamese CrocodileOP
there is a slight delay on the blur load
should i still chang esome of my cponents to server side
Original message was deleted
Click view crawled page
Send ss of whole page
Google seems to be glitching or smthn
Siamese CrocodileOP
nothin for the ss
More info
Siamese CrocodileOP
Your fade is the issue pretty sure, since that's pure a js implementation
Can you remove it,and then do another live test
Siamese CrocodileOP
its from shadcn
maybe ill just remove it from the top part of my page
Yea, remove it and try again pls
You got how to like test the live url right?
Keep making changes till the live url shows your website
Got it?
Siamese CrocodileOP
thanks !
Np, ping me once it's visible on live test
Siamese CrocodileOP
@Arinji Np, ping me once it's visible on live test
Siamese CrocodileOP
yea its visible on live test now
Ok good
Now request reindexing
And wait for a day
Till the performance chart shows some results, wait for Google to index
With a new domain it takes wayyy longer than adding existing subdomains
Siamese CrocodileOP
alright i did
@Arinji Show your favicon meta tag
Siamese CrocodileOP
like the code for it?
@Arinji Yes
Siamese CrocodileOP
import type { Metadata } from "next";
import { Geist, Geist_Mono } from "next/font/google";
import "./globals.css";
import { Analytics } from "@vercel/analytics/react";
const geistSans = Geist({
variable: "--font-geist-sans",
subsets: ["latin"],
const geistMono = Geist_Mono({
variable: "--font-geist-mono",
subsets: ["latin"],
export const viewport = {
width: 'device-width',
initialScale: 1,
export const metadata: Metadata = {
title: "Jade Admissions | College, High School & Internship Consulting",
description: "Expert guidance for college admissions, specialized high school admissions, and internship applications. Founded by former engineers and analysts from Meta, Netflix, Amazon, and Deloitte.",
keywords: [
"college admissions",
"high school admissions",
"internship applications",
"SHSAT preparation",
"college consulting",
"admissions consulting",
"tech internships",
"Meta internships",
"Amazon internships",
"Netflix internships",
"Deloitte internships",
"Jade Admissions",
"Jade Admissions Internship Applications",
"Jade Admissions College Admissions",
"Jade Admissions High School Admissions",
"FAANG internships",
"FAANG college admissions",
"FAANG high school admissions",
"FAANG SHSAT preparation",
"Deloitte internships",
"Deloitte college admissions",
"Deloitte high school admissions",
"Deloitte SHSAT preparation",
authors: [
name: "Jade Admissions",
url: "",
robots: "index, follow",
icons: {
icon: '/jade2.png',
shortcut: '/jade2.png',
apple: '/jade2.png',
other: {
rel: 'apple-touch-icon-precomposed',
url: '/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png',
openGraph: {
type: 'website',
images: [{
url: '/jade1.png',
width: 144,
height: 144,
alt: 'Jade Admissions',
twitter: {
card: 'summary',
images: [{
url: '/jade1.png',
width: 144,
height: 144,
alt: 'Jade Admissions',
metadataBase: new URL(""),
export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
return (
<html lang="en">
className={`${geistSans.variable} ${geistMono.variable} antialiased`}
<Analytics />
i just chatgptd this part
Yea your probs gonna have to wait, new domain problems ig
@Siamese Crocodile Any other questions? If not you can mark an answer
Siamese CrocodileOP
should bef ine for now
thank !
@Siamese Crocodile would be better if you marked one of my messages as the answer, since it shows up on my name...
Any of the messages I wrote which helped
Siamese CrocodileOP
like that one
Sure yea thanks
Siamese CrocodileOP
the ico showed up