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Local fetch redirecting

West African Lion posted this in #help-forum
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West African LionOP
How do I solve the issue of redirects when I connect to my database locally?

6 Replies

@West African Lion How do I solve the issue of redirects when I connect to my database locally?
why does your DB redirect you? And why are you calling your DB from your client? 🤔
@B33fb0n3 why does your DB redirect you? And why are you calling your DB from your client? 🤔
West African LionOP
I will fix the data fetching; this is an app I am optimizing and fixing old bad practices while I was still learning. For some unknown reason to me it started rediecting me when I connect locally but in production it works well.
@West African Lion I will fix the data fetching; this is an app I am optimizing and fixing old bad practices while I was still learning. For some unknown reason to me it started rediecting me when I connect locally but in production it works well.
That sounds pretty unexpected. Check the initiator inside your network tab and the code of it. Maybe you can find the line that causes the redirect
@West African Lionsolved?
that's not the solution. none of the messages in this thread presents any solutions to the question
pls only mark solutions. suggested steps to debug are not solutions