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unhandledRejection: [TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null]

Cornish Rex posted this in #help-forum
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Cornish RexOP
[TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null] {
 ⨯ unhandledRejection: [TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null] {
 ⨯ unhandledRejection:  [TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null] {

hey guys im using prisma and i cannot create data as i keep getting unhandled rejection can i get any help please?
    await prisma.patient.create({
        data: {
            patientId: "123456789",
            firstName: "test",
            lastName: "test",
            fullName: "test",
            dateOfBirth: new Date(),
            gender: "male",
            phoneNumber: "0547894561",
            workPhoneNumber: "",
            homePhoneNumber: "",
            additionalPhoneNumber: "",
            firstVisit: new Date(),
            email: "",

model Patient {
  id                    Int              @id @default(autoincrement())
  patientId             String           @unique @db.VarChar(10)
  firstName             String
  lastName              String
  fullName              String?
  dateOfBirth           DateTime
  gender                String
  phoneNumber           String
  workPhoneNumber       String?
  homePhoneNumber       String?
  additionalPhoneNumber String?
  firstVisit            DateTime
  email                 String?          @unique
  createdAt             DateTime         @default(now())
  updatedAt             DateTime         @updatedAt
  address               Patient_Address?

model Patient_Address {
  id        Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
  street    String?
  city      String
  zipCode   String?
  patientId Int     @unique
  patient   Patient @relation(fields: [patientId], references: [id])

5 Replies

@Cornish Rex [TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null] { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' } ⨯ unhandledRejection: [TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null] { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' } ⨯ unhandledRejection: [TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null] { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' } hey guys im using prisma and i cannot create data as i keep getting unhandled rejection can i get any help please? ts await prisma.patient.create({ data: { patientId: "123456789", firstName: "test", lastName: "test", fullName: "test", dateOfBirth: new Date(), gender: "male", phoneNumber: "0547894561", workPhoneNumber: "", homePhoneNumber: "", additionalPhoneNumber: "", firstVisit: new Date(), email: "", }, }); schemas: ts model Patient { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) patientId String @unique @db.VarChar(10) firstName String lastName String fullName String? dateOfBirth DateTime gender String phoneNumber String workPhoneNumber String? homePhoneNumber String? additionalPhoneNumber String? firstVisit DateTime email String? @unique createdAt DateTime @default(now()) updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt address Patient_Address? } model Patient_Address { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) street String? city String zipCode String? patientId Int @unique patient Patient @relation(fields: [patientId], references: [id]) }
Yea this errr doesn't tell anything. Wrap the .create call in try catch and log the error in that
@Yi Lon Ma Yea this errr doesn't tell anything. Wrap the .create call in try catch and log the error in that
Cornish RexOP
it is in a try catch and this is the error that being logged
sorry, I don't have much info about this
White-eared Hummingbird
I got same the issue, even try to get simple data like findFirst
Its query error. You can enable DEBUG="prisma*" in env to see exact sql error