Revalidate path for multiple in SSG app router
Ojos Azules posted this in #help-forum
Ojos AzulesOP
I’m working on an SSG app router and need to handle content updates from the backend by hitting the revalidate API (/api/revalidate/route) with a path array. However, I’ve encountered an issue where I can’t revalidate multiple paths in sequence. For example:
It only processes the first path.
I read the Next.js documentation and tried using revalidatePath with specific route layouts, like:
However, my scenario requires revalidating two independent routes:
The current approach isn’t working for these independent routes. Here’s the API code I’m using:
Is there a way to revalidate multiple independent routes effectively? If not, would it be better to revalidate all pages as a fallback? I’m open to any suggestions for improving this.
It only processes the first path.
I read the Next.js documentation and tried using revalidatePath with specific route layouts, like:
import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache'
revalidatePath('/blog/[slug]', 'layout')
// or with route groups
revalidatePath('/(main)/post/[slug]', 'layout')
However, my scenario requires revalidating two independent routes:
The current approach isn’t working for these independent routes. Here’s the API code I’m using:
const revalidatePromises = (paths as string[]).map(async (path) => {
console.log('Revalidating path:', path);
// Revalidate the specific path
const revalidateCurrent = path.startsWith('/course/')
? revalidatePath('/[[slug]]', 'page')
: revalidatePath(path);
// Await both revalidation promises
await Promise.all([revalidateCurrent]);
await Promise.all(revalidatePromises);
return NextResponse.json({
revalidated: true,
message: 'Paths revalidated',
Is there a way to revalidate multiple independent routes effectively? If not, would it be better to revalidate all pages as a fallback? I’m open to any suggestions for improving this.
1 Reply
Ojos AzulesOP
thanks for the response, I've updated the question with formatting,
sandbox: , go to
sandbox: , go to