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Deploy app in monorepo via Vercel CLI in Github Actions

Himalayan Snowcock posted this in #help-forum
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Himalayan SnowcockOP
Hey guys, I am looking to deploy an app within my monorepo to Vercel via cli in Github Actions. I have Vercel projects setup for each app in the monorepo. I am following this [documentation]( but am having issues with pulling the correct environment variables. When I run vercel pull --yes --environment=production --token=${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }} it pulls env variables from $TEAM/$ROOT , but my environment variables are located at $TEAM/$PROJECT ( PROJECT correlating to the Vercel project name for that app).

I've also tried running a vercel link in the prior step and specifying the current working directory with --cwd when running but it says it can't find a project at $TEAM/$PROJECT even though that project does exist in Vercel.

Has anybody else deployed an app inside of their monorepo to Vercel via Github Actions?

1 Reply

Himalayan SnowcockOP
I'm seeing that somebody else had some thoughts of what I may be experiencing.