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Data requires page refresh

English Lop posted this in #help-forum
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English LopOP
I am fetching data to display in my sidebar navigation menu. The data takes a page refresh to display. I have tried adding a loader component until the data loads, but it just stays stuck on the loader. I have also tried fetching the data in a parent component further up the tree, then passing the data as props. The data I'm fetching is called
. The data fetching method is auth.js's useSession hook from "next-auth/react".
import { useSession } from "next-auth/react";

export const useCurrentUserGroups = () => {
  const session = useSession();

const Sidebar = ({ sidebarOpen, setSidebarOpen }: SidebarProps) => {
  const userGroups = useCurrentUserGroups(); ... 

4 Replies

have you wrapped your app with the "clientProvider"?
English LopOP
Can you elaborate? This sidebar component is a client component "use client"
you should do this
and in the layout.tsx