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How to test/mock navigation using next/link? (Next.js 14)

Common carp posted this in #help-forum
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Common carpOP
I currently have this component and I wanted to ensure that it should always go to the '/' route everytime. However, I noticed there have been some issues with mocking Next's Link component.

<Link data-testid='lounge-logo-link' className='inline-block' href='/'>
  <Image className='h-8 w-32' src={Logo} alt='Lounge logo' />

3 Replies

@Common carp I currently have this component and I wanted to ensure that it should always go to the '/' route everytime. However, I noticed there have been some issues with mocking Next's Link component. <Link data-testid='lounge-logo-link' className='inline-block' href='/'> <Image className='h-8 w-32' src={Logo} alt='Lounge logo' /> </Link>
Masai Lion
You should try something like this:

'use client';
import Link from 'next/link';
import Image from 'next/image';
import Logo from '@/public/logo.png';

const component = () => {
  return (
    <Link href="/" data-testid="lounge-logo-link">
      <Image src={Logo} alt="Lounge logo" className="h-8 w-32" />

export default component;
Common carpOP
Hello @Masai Lion, thank you for your response! However, I wanted to have the Jest code instead.
@Common carp Hello <@1107387213559369832>, thank you for your response! However, I wanted to have the Jest code instead.
Masai Lion
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import LoungeLogo from './LoungeLogo';
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';

jest.mock('next/link', () => {
  return ({ children, href }) => {
    return <a href={href}>{children}</a>; 

test('LoungeLogo should always navigate to "/"', () => {
  render(<LoungeLogo />);
  const linkElement = screen.getByTestId('lounge-logo-link');
  // Check if the link points to the homepage ('/')
  expect(linkElement).toHaveAttribute('href', '/');

This is the only solution I find for your problem.