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Discord Forum

File structure and layouts

Asian swamp eel posted this in #help-forum
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Asian swamp eelOP
Can someone help me with the directory/file structure for my project? I have a semi-complicated setup when it comes to layouts, and I am confused as to what would be the best way here:
- /               : layout: "public" (unauthenticated)
- /dashboard      : layout: "dashboard" (should not extend the "public" layout - standalone)
- /groups         : layout: "dashboard" (should not extend the "public" layout - standalone)
- /groups/[id]    : layout: "group" (should not extend the "dashboard" or "public" layouts - standalone)
- /users          : layout: "dashboard" (should not extend the "public" layout - standalone)
- /users/[id]     : layout: "user" (should not extend the "dashboard" or "public" layouts - standalone)

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