How to turn off caching of node_modules
Australian Freshwater Crocodile posted this in #help-forum
Australian Freshwater CrocodileOP
i'm doing some modifications to a file in node_modules, but I keep having to delete the cache and restarting the server to see the changes. Is there any way to turn off this node_modules caching temporarily?
3 Replies
@Australian Freshwater Crocodile i'm doing some modifications to a file in node_modules, but I keep having to delete the cache and restarting the server to see the changes. Is there any way to turn off this node_modules caching temporarily?
what are you trying to archive? Why do you need to change a file there? What's your goal?
@B33fb0n3 what are you trying to archive? Why do you need to change a file there? What's your goal?
Australian Freshwater CrocodileOP
There's a bug in an npm package
Im making some changes to it and trying to debug it, but its annoying to have to keep deleting the cache