Costume error page
California pilchard posted this in #help-forum
California pilchardOP
Am trying so hard to change this bold error page and also add few other error pages but i cant, anytips how to
Answered by B33fb0n3
You can use the nextjs
The same goes for typescript as
page[ (see here)]( same goes for typescript as
5 Replies
@California pilchard Am trying so hard to change this bold error page and also add few other error pages but i cant, anytips how to
You can use the nextjs
The same goes for typescript as
page[ (see here)]( same goes for typescript as
@California pilchard solved?
The “not-found.tsx” file must be placed at the same level your routes are, or if you want a general 404 error fallback you can place it next to the root layout (layout.tsx).
Follow the docs, they’re great!
Follow the docs, they’re great!
@B33fb0n3 <@1288952856136908894> solved?
California pilchardOP