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How to optimise my button component?

Japanese Bobtail posted this in #help-forum
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Japanese BobtailOP
This is a part of my button component. In some cases i need to have a link instead of a button element (the styles are same). Is it possible to have a "dynamic" component name link "<button|Link">... or whats the best practice to build this class?

import React from 'react'; import Link from 'next/link'; const Button = ({ style = 'primary', type = 'button', role = 'button', fullWidth = false, iconOnly = false, href, target, icon, title, disabled, submitting, onClick, className, ariaLabel, children, }) => { if(href) { return ( <Link href={href} target={target} type={type} title={title} onClick={onClick} disabled={disabled} role={role} aria-label={ariaLabel} className={classes} > {icon} {children} </Link> ); } return ( <button type={type} title={title} onClick={onClick} disabled={disabled} role={role} aria-label={ariaLabel} className={classes} > {icon} {children} </button> ); }; export default Button;
Answered by B33fb0n3
yes, you can apply the styles to it's own component. Like that you can use the Button component normally and if you want to have something that should only look like a button you can apply the classes as well:
<Link href='#' className={buttonVariants()}>I look like a Button</Link>

The button component itself could look like this:

Orange box: Styling with variants
Yellow box: Actual button component
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5 Replies

@Japanese Bobtail Thanks. I'am trying to refactor my component. Whats does cn in your example?
it put two string together.
cn("string1", "string2")

Will output this:
string1 string2