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Next js + firebase + firestore

Tibbs posted this in #help-forum
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I have a next js app using src and app router, with firebase auth (basic email and pass) and cloud firestore integrated into it, I have successfully setup so that a user can sign up, log in (user details stored in firebase auth) and then using react context I have saved the users details, and also the ability to create a team (stored in firestore) and also another context for the team or multiple team details that the user has created, now I want the ability to invite members, I have the blaze plan of firestore in order to setup cloud functions but not had any luck so far in my attempts, and I have also recently reset back to my last GitHub project save as I went too deep down the SendGrid rabbit hole and got lost, I am looking for suggestions/help through implementing this if possible, thank you, and happy new year everybody!

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