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Custom error types

Iridescent shark posted this in #help-forum
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Iridescent sharkOP
Hi, after moving my api calls from client side to server side I am unable to receive custom error types. I'm throwing a new DictionaryError(ErrorType.NotFound), but my client side receives it as a regular Error. Does this have to do with server/client side or am I doing something else wrong?

// api.ts
export const getData = async (word: string) => {
  // ...
  throw new DictionaryError(ErrorType.NotFound);

// error.ts
export class DictionaryError extends Error {
  public message: string;

  constructor(public type: ErrorType) {
    super(type); = "DictionaryError";
    this.message = this._getMessage(type);
    Object.setPrototypeOf(this, DictionaryError.prototype);

  private _getMessage(type: ErrorType): string {
    // sets the message to "The word you are looking for could not be found."

// page.tsx:
try {
  const res = await getData(word);
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof DictionaryError) {
    // does not run

  console.log(; // Error
  console.error(error); // has the custom message assigned from ErrorType.NotFound... so it is the right error
Answered by Iridescent shark
To fix this, I serialised the error into an object instead and deserialised it on the other side.
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1 Reply

Iridescent sharkOP
To fix this, I serialised the error into an object instead and deserialised it on the other side.