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Module not found: Can't resolve '@ory/nextjs/app' when using file:<path>

North Pacific hake posted this in #help-forum
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North Pacific hakeOP

I am getting.
Module not found: Can't resolve '@ory/nextjs/app'
  2 | import {ModeToggle} from "@/components/mode-toggle"
  3 | import {SessionProvider} from "@/client/session-provider"
> 4 | import {getServerSession} from "@ory/nextjs/app"
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  5 | import {Logout} from "@/components/logout"

When running my app.
my entry in package.json is "@ory/nextjs": "file:../elements/packages/nextjs/dist", under dependencies
The package is added into node_modules

i'm also using turbopack
Answered by North Pacific hake
seems like it's a problem with turbopack ๐Ÿ™‚
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1 Reply

North Pacific hakeOP
seems like it's a problem with turbopack ๐Ÿ™‚