rewrite the url nextConfig
Lesser Scaup posted this in #help-forum
Lesser ScaupOP
i want to change the url to add .html to them, im also using next-intl for translation, the image shows the structure if the project,
i followed the docs however it's not working,
does someone know how to fix it or what im doing wrong?
i followed the docs however it's not working,
does someone know how to fix it or what im doing wrong?
import type { NextConfig } from 'next';
import createNextIntlPlugin from 'next-intl/plugin';
const withNextIntl = createNextIntlPlugin('./i18n/request.ts');
const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
/* config options here */
// rewrites: async () => {
// return [
// {
// source: '/todo.html',
// destination: '/driver',
// },
// ];
// },
rewrites: async () => {
return [
source: '/driver.html',
destination: '/driver',
source: '/petrolstations.html',
destination: '/petrolstations',
source: '/aboutus.html',
destination: '/aboutus',
source: '/news.html',
destination: '/news',
source: '/contact.html',
destination: '/contact',
export default withNextIntl(nextConfig);