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How to run my app using local domain and custom port?

Spectacled Caiman posted this in #help-forum
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Spectacled CaimanOP
Hi, In local how can I run the app using local domain and port ? ex: http://mysite.local:8000

4 Replies

Southeastern blueberry bee
yes with reverse proxy
@Spectacled Caiman Hi, In local how can I run the app using local domain and port ? ex: http://mysite.local:8000
Argente Brun
change ur dev script inside ur package.json to next dev -p 8000 if u wanna just change the port
Spectacled CaimanOP
Thank you for the reply what about the custom domain like http://mysite.local, is this done with reverse proxy in local ? so no configuration we can put to the next in order to make it mysite.local ?