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Build error: Cannot read properties of undefined

Masai Lion posted this in #help-forum
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Masai LionOP
When I build my Next.js app, I get an error: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'QuizData')". QuizData is a property of GeoQuiz:

export type GeoQuiz = {
    Map: React.ReactNode,
    UrlComponent: string,
    Names: {label:string,langISO639_1:string}[],
    LanguagesISO639_1: string[],
    Descriptions: {label:string,langISO639_1:string}[],
    Keywords: string[],
    QuizData: {id:string,labels:{label:string,langISO639_1:string}[]}[]

My quiz page tries to dynamically load a quiz from a GeoQuiz object. I'm using generateStaticParams() to pre-render all routes. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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