Next.js 15 slow in development.
Nile Crocodile posted this in #help-forum
Nile CrocodileOP
Is this considered normal speed in Next.js 15 or is it just me?
$ npm run dev
> dev
> next dev --turbopack
▲ Next.js 15.1.2 (Turbopack)
- Local: http://localhost:3000
- Network: http://...
- Environments: .env
✓ Starting...
Slow filesystem detected. If D:\user\vs-code\next\\.next is a network drive, consider moving it
to a local folder. If you have an antivirus enabled, consider excluding your project directory.
✓ Compiled in 9.2s
✓ Ready in 18.1s
○ Compiling / ...
✓ Compiled / in 30.3s
11 Replies
@American Fuzzy Lop try pnpm, it is much better
Asian black bear
The package manages has nothing to do with this.
@Nile Crocodile Is this considered normal speed in Next.js 15 or is it just me?
$ npm run dev
> dev
> next dev --turbopack
▲ Next.js 15.1.2 (Turbopack)
- Local: http://localhost:3000
- Network: http://...
- Environments: .env
✓ Starting...
Slow filesystem detected. If D:\user\vs-code\next\\.next is a network drive, consider moving it
to a local folder. If you have an antivirus enabled, consider excluding your project directory.
✓ Compiled in 9.2s
✓ Ready in 18.1s
○ Compiling / ...
✓ Compiled / in 30.3s
Asian black bear
Are you running this on an HDD instead of an SSD?
@Asian black bear The package manages has nothing to do with this.
American Fuzzy Lop
At least for me, it reduces compile time
Asian black bear
This cannot be since a package manager will just trigger Turbopack and is not related to the actual compilation tasks.
@Asian black bear This cannot be since a package manager will just trigger Turbopack and is not related to the actual compilation tasks.
American Fuzzy Lop
which package manager do you use?
turbopack exercises the modules but pnpm symlinks node modules as to where npm does not
dependencies are also deduplicated as npm doesnt so compile time for sure is affected even if its not much
hot reloading though is mostly ram cached so its only initial cold start
@Asian black bear Are you running this on an HDD instead of an SSD?
Nile CrocodileOP
Yeah looks like that's it. I just moved to laptop that has SSD and it's much faster... thanks!