I am using GSAP with React (Nextjs, tho it doesn't really matter)
Chausie posted this in #help-forum
I am using GSAP with React (Nextjs, tho it doesn't really matter). I want to make a scene where some items appear to tell a story, using GSAP ScrollTrigger and scrubbing (instead of playing animations once for example). I provide a timeline with a context so I can make use of it anywhere inside of the scene tree with const tl = useTimeline().
The default config is:
Everything works just fine, but the thing is I want to have granularity with how and when I show each element in the scene. I am using the labels so I fire the animation when a label starts but it gets weird because I am using scrub and timing durations with seconds don't go really well with it (I guess?).
Let's see it in action inside my scene, I have the first element that is a person png that appears when you start scrolling inside the scene:
How would you approach it the best to make the person appear in 2 seconds, then stay the whole scene while scrubbing and dissapear on end. I have some elements that follow the same approach but dissapear almost instantly after making them appear.
I hope this is understandable, I am not a native english speaker so any questions I'll answer!
The default config is:
let config = {
scrollTrigger: {
trigger: triggerSelector,
start: "top top",
end: "+=2000",
pin: true,
scrub: 0.8,
autoRemoveChildren: true,
markers: true,
tl.addLabel("firstpart", 0);
tl.addLabel("secondpart", "firstpart+3");
tl.addLabel("thirdpart", "secondpart+3");
Everything works just fine, but the thing is I want to have granularity with how and when I show each element in the scene. I am using the labels so I fire the animation when a label starts but it gets weird because I am using scrub and timing durations with seconds don't go really well with it (I guess?).
Let's see it in action inside my scene, I have the first element that is a person png that appears when you start scrolling inside the scene:
useGSAP(() => {
if (!tl) return;
opacity: 0,
scale: 0.8,
duration: 2,
ease: "power4.inOut",
opacity: 0,
scale: 0.6,
duration: 2,
ease: "power4.inOut",
}, [tl]);
How would you approach it the best to make the person appear in 2 seconds, then stay the whole scene while scrubbing and dissapear on end. I have some elements that follow the same approach but dissapear almost instantly after making them appear.
I hope this is understandable, I am not a native english speaker so any questions I'll answer!