Printable versions of the Learn pages
Gray-breasted Martin posted this in #help-forum
Gray-breasted MartinOP
Hey, I am going on a 12 hour flight and I was hoping to use this time to learn NextJS. I was wondering if there are printable/PDF versions of the following guides? Couldnt find any myself.
Answered by B33fb0n3
yes, you can use STRG/CTRL + P to get the PDF of the page. You got 26 chapters (10 + 16) so at the end you have 26 files in one folder. The filename will be automatically the title of the page. So the saving should be done in about 5 minutes π
3 Replies
@Gray-breasted Martin Hey, I am going on a 12 hour flight and I was hoping to use this time to learn NextJS. I was wondering if there are printable/PDF versions of the following guides? Couldnt find any myself.
yes, you can use STRG/CTRL + P to get the PDF of the page. You got 26 chapters (10 + 16) so at the end you have 26 files in one folder. The filename will be automatically the title of the page. So the saving should be done in about 5 minutes π
happy to help