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Permissions issues with Deno

Abyssinian posted this in #help-forum
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Hello, everyone!

I am trying to run Next with Deno on an Ubuntu server. While I am able to run Deno by itself without superuser privileges, I cannot do that when trying to start a Next project. Typing in deno task start or deno run start results in the following error:
user1@ubuntu:~/git/deno-next-experiment$ deno task start
Task start next start -H -p 80
 ⨯ Failed to start server
PermissionDenied: Permission denied (os error 13): Permission denied (os error 13)
    at listen (ext:deno_net/01_net.js:504:35)
    at serve (ext:deno_http/00_serve.ts:555:16)
    at Array.processTicksAndRejections (ext:deno_node/_next_tick.ts:28:11)
    at eventLoopTick (ext:core/01_core.js:172:29) {
  name: "PermissionDenied",
  code: "EACCES"

Is there something about Next that requires superuser access overall, or are there specific permissions that I need to grant in order to get past this error?

sudo deno task start works just fine, but I would like to avoid that if at all possible.

Next: 15.0.3
Deno: 2.1.4

Any insight is appreciated!
Thank you!

P.S. - "Just use Vercel" is not an insight and not appreciated! :lolsob:

1 Reply

Hmm. Seems like I cannot avoid sudo if I want to run on port 80.