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Things to know before self hosting a nextjs application

Dutch Smoushond posted this in #help-forum
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Dutch SmoushondOP
I would be self hosting a nextjs application this weekend on a dedicated server (no vps). We will also self host the database on this server only, I am planning to keep the database (timescale) on the bare metal and the nextjs application inside a docker container. Does that sound good? Some more info which I have is that our next application doesn't use any middleware ( i have heard that middleware causes issues when deploying outside vercel). Might introduce redis/dragonfly for caching but that's a thing to worry about later

specs: 500gb disk, 64gb ram, 16 cores (this is all the info i have till now)

How many users will this application have? We don't have much idea about that but it is a internal tool for a medicine company to track their supplies so I assume it to be < 100. Why are we self hosting? client wants it to be done that way
Answered by joulev
should be more than enough actually
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