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Firebase App Hosting and auth: /__/auth/handler problem

Turkish Angora posted this in #help-forum
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Turkish AngoraOP
So not clear if this is my responsibility or that of Firebase...

I am hosting my app on Firebase App Hosting ( and when I click on log in with Google, I am sent to

This route does not exist, and so I get a 404.

When using standard Firebase hosting, this is configured mostly automatically from what I remember.

Anyone have success with this? I am unclear what to do.

3 Replies

Turkish AngoraOP
So I have it partially working, with this config:
onst nextConfig: NextConfig = {
  output: 'standalone',
  async rewrites() {
    return [
        source: '/__/auth/handler',
        destination: '/auth/callback'
        source: '/__/auth/iframe',
        destination: '/auth/iframe-custom'
The auth callback page is working fine, but I have just discovered this iframe and I have no idea what it would ordinary do. I have just created a dummy component that does basically nothing, so we shall see...
Turkish AngoraOP
Turns out, it's broken. Have been talking to Google. They are escalating it