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why does the subsequent code still need to perform a switch on the promise status?

Longtail tuna posted this in #help-forum
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Longtail tunaOP
In React's source code: the asynchronicity of the then function, since the status has already been set to pending earlier, why does the subsequent code still need to perform a switch on the status?

            thenableState = thenable;
            thenableState.status = "pending";
              function (fulfilledValue) {
                if ("pending" === thenable.status) {
                  var fulfilledThenable = thenable;
                  fulfilledThenable.status = "fulfilled";
                  fulfilledThenable.value = fulfilledValue;
              function (error) {
                if ("pending" === thenable.status) {
                  var rejectedThenable = thenable;
                  rejectedThenable.status = "rejected";
                  rejectedThenable.reason = error;
          switch (thenable.status) {
            case "fulfilled":
              return thenable.value;
            case "rejected":
              throw (
                ((thenableState = thenable.reason),

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