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How can I set cookies following a form submission without client side javascript?

Oriental Scops-Owl posted this in #help-forum
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Oriental Scops-OwlOP
When a user visits a site without javascript I want basic functionality to work. At minimum I want someone to be able to click submit on a form which results in a cookie be saved on their device. nextjs 15.1
'use server'; // 'use client'; produces the same error

import { login_three } from "@/actions/login"

export default async function LoginPage() {
    return (
                <form action={login_three}>
                    <button >Login</button>

Produces the error
Error: `cookies` was called outside a request scope. Read more:
    at login_two (src/actions/login.ts:18:21)
  16 | export async function login_two() {
  17 |     try {
> 18 |         (await cookies()).set('Auth-Cookie', 'abc12')
     |                     ^
  19 |         return true
  20 |     } catch(err) {
  21 |         console.log(err)

Another approach:
// login-two/page.tsx
'use client';

import { login_two } from "@/actions/login"

export default async function LoginPage() {
    return (
                <button onClick={() => login_two()}>Login</button>


Needs client side javascript and can't be converted to a server component due tot he onClick handler.


// login/page.tsx
export default async function LoginPage() {
    return (
            <form action="/api/login" method="POST">
                <button type="submit">Test</button>

Works as expected, but I don't like that it goes to /api/login instead of just /login. I also find it odd that I'd have to write my own route for this, since I thought one of the benefits of nextjs is handling that for you.

Hitting char limit but the login functions are just
'use server'
export async function login() {
(await cookies()).set('name','value)

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