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FUNCTION_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT on slow request in server action

Eulophid wasp posted this in #help-forum
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Eulophid waspOP
Hi all... I'm making a request to Anthropic Cluade from a server function but it's hitting the timeout limit FUNCTION_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT. How can I increase the allowed process time on this?
Answered by Eulophid wasp
oh! You canfigure this in the console now... Settings > Functions 🙂
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4 Replies

Eulophid waspOP
oh! You canfigure this in the console now... Settings > Functions 🙂
Eulophid waspOP
Pretty sure you couldn't walwyas do that...
oh wow, nice, didn't know that as well. programmatically you can use maxDuration
Eulophid waspOP
That's interesting @joulev - it looks like you can set the app limit max_duration in settings > Functions then override for routes using the maxDuration flag on the route. Good to know! 🙂