Client side error when using Google Translate
ルナ posted this in #help-forum
I have the issue that if a user uses the Google Translate in Chrome (and likely also other similar extensions), I get a client-side error (likely) once I update a specific element (button).
The following error is printed to the console:
I can only assume that it comes from the following snippet:
I have the issue that if a user uses the Google Translate in Chrome (and likely also other similar extensions), I get a client-side error (likely) once I update a specific element (button).
The following error is printed to the console:
NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node': The node before which the new node is to be inserted is not a child of this node.
I can only assume that it comes from the following snippet:
{error &&
<div className="gap-1 text-red-400 text-sm">
<HiExclamation className="inline size-4 mr-1" />
variant={state === State.Success ? "success" : "secondary"}
className={cn(error && "cursor-not-allowed", state === State.Success && "cursor-not-allowed", "font-medium w-full")}
disabled={!!error || state === State.Success}
{state === State.Loading
? <TailSpin stroke="#d4d4d4" strokeWidth={8} className="relative h-3 w-3 overflow-visible" />
: <HiFingerPrint />
{state === State.Success
? "Verification successful"
: "Complete verification"