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fetch in NextJS 15

AlbertC0527 posted this in #help-forum
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When I used fetch() in a server component, calling an api like
Every time i build then start the app it still gives me the same number.
I read here that the default for fetch is [no cache](

Can someone help me understand this contradiction.

2 Replies

Even more confusing, [here]( it says that if no option is provided to fetch, it uses cache:no-store, but if you try out fetch with no option then try fetch with cache:no-store, the former gives you a static page and the later gives you a dynamic page.
Longtail tuna
Yes, quite confusing. But I always rely on docs, not some blog posts. And [here]( you can read that the default is:
auto no cache (default): Next.js fetches the resource from the remote server on every request in development, but will fetch once during next build because the route will be statically prerendered. If Dynamic APIs are detected on the route, Next.js will fetch the resource on every request.