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Upgraded to Next.js 15.1 and have a black screen on my routes

Northeast Congo Lion posted this in #help-forum
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Northeast Congo LionOP
I just upgraded to Next.js 15.1 with React 19 and I cannot find the root cause for this black screen in all my routes. Sometimes If I refresh it goes away but wen I'm just normally browsing around, the pages are black.

I use shadcn for my UI components, not sure if that's related but they seem to have support for React 19 now and I've upgraded my components.
Answered by Northeast Congo Lion
Everything seems to be working now, I upgraded a couple packages. framer-motion, resend, tailwind-merge, @types/react, @types/react-dom, tailwindcss
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9 Replies

Northeast Congo LionOP
To be clear: I've never experienced this before, so I'm unsure if it's related to the new version or if this is a common issue for doing X wrong
Northeast Congo LionOP
Yeah one moment
bun run dev
I use velite for documentation
Seems to work well for React 19 + Next.js 15
@Northeast Congo Lion Seems to work well for React 19 + Next.js 15
can you remove it for a moment and only run next dev? using bun run dev?
Northeast Congo LionOP
Everything seems to be working now, I upgraded a couple packages. framer-motion, resend, tailwind-merge, @types/react, @types/react-dom, tailwindcss
Northeast Congo LionOP
I'm going to assume it was Tailwind