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Start Next Js In Vps

# [i].Dabby posted this in #help-forum
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How i can start next js in windows vps [only front no backend ]
Answered by B33fb0n3
as gin said, nextjs is a fullstack enviroment. If you want only frontend, you should use react or any other frontend library.

With that said you can still host your app. A specific video could be this:

This is a dockerized hosting. It can be very confusing for you especially if you don't know what you are doing (what I assume rn - I am talking from experience)
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11 Replies

@# [i].Dabby How i can start next js in windows vps [only front no backend ]
there doesnt exist "only front" in nextjs
if u run nextjs, u are running a node server
just clone your app and run it with start
thats it
@# [i].Dabby no vid ?
as gin said, nextjs is a fullstack enviroment. If you want only frontend, you should use react or any other frontend library.

With that said you can still host your app. A specific video could be this:

This is a dockerized hosting. It can be very confusing for you especially if you don't know what you are doing (what I assume rn - I am talking from experience)
@# [i].Dabby solved?
happy to help