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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'AUTH_SECRET')

Maine Coon posted this in #help-forum
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Maine CoonOP
I'm running into some trouble with my nextjs app. I'm using auth.js and hono.js. For some reason, it is unable to find the auth_secret even though it is in my env.local

In the following code, c:Context the .env field is undefined. How would I fix that?
import { Context, Hono } from "hono";
import { handle } from "hono/vercel";

import authConfig from "@/auth.config";

import { AuthConfig, initAuthConfig } from "@hono/auth-js";

import board from "./board";
import boardId from "./page/board-id";
import card from "./card";
import home from "./page/home";
import list from "./list";
import orgs from "./orgs";
import plan from "./page/plan";
import taskPage from "./page/task";
import userOrgs from "./user-orgs";
import users from "./users";

const getAuthConfig = (c: Context): AuthConfig => ({
  secret: c.env.AUTH_SECRET as string,

const app = new Hono().basePath("/api");

app.use("*", initAuthConfig(getAuthConfig));

const routes = app
  .route("/board", board)
  .route("/board-id", boardId)
  .route("/card", card)
  .route("/home", home)
  .route("/list", list)
  .route("/orgs", orgs)
  .route("/plan", plan)
  .route("/task", taskPage)
  .route("/user-orgs", userOrgs)
  .route("/users", users);

export const DELETE = handle(app);
export const GET = handle(app);
export const PATCH = handle(app);
export const POST = handle(app);

export type AppType = typeof routes; 

Appreciate any help I can get!

14 Replies

because you don't have to set secret in configs object as long as you put it in the .env.local file?
Maine CoonOP
Yes I am using nextAuth. This is from the hono documentation on github
Maine CoonOP
No I guess its not nextauth bc that's Auth.js now?
const getAuthConfig = (c: Context): AuthConfig => {
  return {
    secret: c.env.AUTH_SECRET,

When I do this, it logs:
Context {
env: undefined,
finalized: false,
error: undefined,
render: [Function: render],
setLayout: [Function: setLayout],
getLayout: [Function: getLayout],
setRenderer: [Function: setRenderer],
header: [Function: header],
status: [Function: status],
set: [Function: set],
get: [Function: get],
newResponse: [Function: newResponse],
body: [Function: body],
text: [Function: text],
json: [Function: json],
html: [Function: html],
redirect: [Function: redirect],
notFound: [Function: notFound]

And as you can see the env field is undefined, which hasn't happened to me before. I tried reverting back to react 18 but that didn't help.
I also tried using process.env.AUTH_SECRET but that produced a different error about how my routes didn't have Responses. But I never used process.env for this ever and the syntax in the hono document has worked in the past
@futuredevengineer have you tried `NEXTAUTH_SECRET` variable?
Maine CoonOP
No it doesn’t work
@futuredevengineer what is the name of the env file?
Maine CoonOP
@Maine Coon .env.local
Did you remove secret prop from config object? Try that
Maine CoonOP
No that didn't work, I stripped out Hono from the project and am just using drizzle and neon db raw without it. Shame that must be a weird bug somewhere in Honojs